Patients' Rights & Responsibilities
You are admitted to Russellville Hospital as a patient at the request of your physician, who is an independent member of our medical staff. We want you to have the best possible care as prescribed or recommended by those who are treating you. We want you to know what your rights are as a patient as well as what your obligations are to yourself, your physician and the hospital. We encourage you to talk openly with those involved in your care.
Access: You have the right to receive the best care medically available, including appropriate assessment and management of pain, regardless of color, age, disability, race, creed, sex, national origin, or sources of payment for care.
Respect and Dignity: You have the right to expect respectful, considerate care, with recognition of your personal dignity, cultural and personal values, beliefs and preferences.
Privacy: You have the right to expect privacy during your treatment and care.
Confidentiality: You have the right to expect privacy of your medical records.
Identify: You have the right to know the names and duties of persons concerned with your care.
Information: You have the right to request complete information about your condition and treatment, in terms you understand. Asking questions and providing full and complete information about your condition will assist the hospital staff in providing the safest care possible.
Consent: You have the right to be involved, whenever possible, in decisions about your care, including the right to refuse treatment and to leave the hospital even if your doctors advise against it.
Continuity of Care: You have the right to receive information about your health care needs after discharge, to be given information about available resources and to receive assistance in making necessary arrangements.
Health Care Bills: You have the right to request an explanation of your bills and to receive assistance in applying for financial aid from appropriate sources.
Concerns/Complaints: You have the right to express, at any time, a concern or a complaint regarding your care, treatment, services or patient safety while a patient. Your concerns should be directed to the Administrative Supervisor by dialing 0. You may also submit a complaint either verbally or in writing to the hospital Administration office. Your decision to express a complaint will in no way affect the level of care you receive. You may contact the Alabama Department of Public Health at (800) 356-9596. If you have a concern about the safety or quality of care provided in the organization, you may report these concerns to The Joint Commission at 1-800-994-6610.
Restraints: You have the right to freedom from restraints and seclusion in any form when used as a means of coercion, discipline, retaliation, or convenience for the staff.
Participate In Your Care: You have the right to participate in the development and implementation of your plan of care.
Notification: You have the right to have a family member or representative of your choice and physician notified promptly of your admission.
Visitation: You have the right to choose who may visit you during a hospital stay, subject to certain clinical restrictions or limitations which will be explained by the clinical nurse or physician when they arise. You or your support person have the right to receive the visitors whom you designate including, but not limited to, a spouse, a domestic partner (including a same-sex domestic partner), another family member, or a friend. You also have the right to deny or withdraw such consent at any time. The Hospital will not restrict, limit, or deny visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, natural origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.
Case Managment: You have the right to request a discharge planning evaluation at any time and we will complete your evaluation within one busines day of your request.
Consideration: You are responsible for being considerate of other patients, visitors, and hospital staff, and for following hospital guidelines.
Request Additional Medical Assistance: Patients and/or families are encouraged to request assistance if the patient’s condition worsens or new symptoms appear. To request additional assistance, use the nurse call light or call “O” for the Nursing Supervisor.
Giving Information: You are responsible for giving complete and accurate information about your health and medical history. Asking questions and providing full and complete information about your condition will assist the hospital staff in providing the safest care possible.
Following Instructions: You are responsible for following instructions as given. You are responsible for telling us if you do not understand the instructions, or if you feel you cannot follow them. If you refuse treatment or fail to follow instructions, you will be responsible for the outcome.
Health Care Charges: You are responsible for making certain you understand your health care bills and for making arrangements to meet financial obligations. A Customer Service Representative is available to assist you in financial matters.